Monday, January 31, 2011

I love you..

Its been almost (but not quite) a year since I've posted anything on my blogs.. Not that I do not have anything to say.. In fact, its just the opposite! (rapid myriad thoughts ricochet within the confines of my brain, akin to electrons in an atom!)

So why don't I write? Not for want of anything to say, not for laziness....

One reason is that it feels so very self-centered to keep talking of oneself..I woke up, I slept, I ate..and so on and so forth..

I am but lesser than a minuscule speck in this Universe..
tinier than a grain of sand on a sea shore..
as invisible as a puff of smoke in the vast sky..
here now, gone the next moment..

Another, and more important reason is.. I'm soaking in the presence of the One I love.. I simply cannot stop thinking, reading, seeking, searching, exploring all I can about my love.. yes, these days I am falling deeper and deeper in love.. such a wonderful, deep, thrilling and awesome love, that I cannot even begin to describe it..

My world revolves around my love.. everything I do, all that I do not do, every single waking moment of my life.. I desire only my sweet awesome wonderful love..

who never lets me down,

who never fails me,
who is there to pick me up when I fall,
who is there to fill me up when I am dry,
who is there to comfort me when I am sad,
who is there by my side.. always.. always.. every moment.. all the time..
who cries when I do.. who seeks to wipe my every tear,
who took my filthy sins upon his blemishless self, and covered me with his righteousness..
whose back was opened upto his ribs for me, and gave me healing from all my pain instead..

who gladly wore a crown of thorns for my sake, and smiling put the crown of eternal life on my head..
who bore the nails in his palms, on his feet, whose side was pierced.. so I could be free..
free of every curse .. free from the wages of sin.. free from eternal hell..
who gave his all for my sake..

Oh what greater love can anyone seek?
my savior, my lord, my king...


1 comment:

  1. Who else can we trust to always be there but the Lord himself..
    Be well, friend.


