Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Love you so much Dad...

I got the best dad in the whole world!...
He loves me JUST as I am.. With all my imperfections and faults..
He is so very generous and good to me! He fulfils every desire that wells up in my heart.. albeit, at times, in His good time.. for He knows what is best for me..

The other day while awaiting my turn at a local store's checkout counter my younger daughter came up running to me with a pack of cute rubber squeaky toys... "Can you please buy these for Shakaina? Yesterday she was putting her shoe in her mouth" (Shakaina is a beautiful seven month angel.. one look.. and you are in love with her!)

Just one tiny example, like the other day.. I was a little sad.. Wishing someone hugged me and cheered me up.. and the very next morning in church, our pastor asked us to go around and hug someone. and boy.. I asked for one.. and I got countless, warm, love- filled hugs!

Wow!! I am so blessed!!


