Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Love you so much Dad...

I got the best dad in the whole world!...
He loves me JUST as I am.. With all my imperfections and faults..
He is so very generous and good to me! He fulfils every desire that wells up in my heart.. albeit, at times, in His good time.. for He knows what is best for me..

The other day while awaiting my turn at a local store's checkout counter my younger daughter came up running to me with a pack of cute rubber squeaky toys... "Can you please buy these for Shakaina? Yesterday she was putting her shoe in her mouth" (Shakaina is a beautiful seven month angel.. one look.. and you are in love with her!)

Just one tiny example, like the other day.. I was a little sad.. Wishing someone hugged me and cheered me up.. and the very next morning in church, our pastor asked us to go around and hug someone. and boy.. I asked for one.. and I got countless, warm, love- filled hugs!

Wow!! I am so blessed!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Storms of life...

Have you wondered like me...."Why do bad things happen to good people and good things to bad people?"

We all face storms in our life.....some so fierce that they toss you around and threaten to tear you apart.... But one thing I've learnt... We cannot stop the storms but we can learn how to survive them! How we react to the storm and handle it is what matters..... Instead of asking, "Why Lord? and why me?" We can ask "Lord how can I handle this?"
Storms will come... Severe storms.. long lasting storms.. that too suddenly .... An Illness, an accident, failures, pain, death, loss of finances ....

Dear child of God, are you going through trials, pain, losses, delays, prolonged illness, broken relationship, failures?
Feel like giving up?

Please hold on. The storm will pass by....
Remember our Redeemer lives and He said,"I'll never leave you or forsake you."
You are NOT alone in the storm....
Your saviour who promised He will never leave you is with you even if you are right in the middle of the storm.
Just the thought Jesus is with you is your anchor of hope.. He will comfort you, intervene in your problems BUT IN HIS TIME and HIS WAY.....
He is in charge of the waves that try to toss the ship of your life... Remember the waves (your problems) are under his feet!!
Isn't that comforting?
How we respond to the storm matters...
If when we face problems we say'" I won't read the Bible" "Won't pray" etc.... we sure mess up things.
We got to continue to hold on to our faith and walk with faith!
We should keep our focus on Jesus and not on the storm that rages around us.
Once our focus shifts to the storm we start to sink...
Are you walking through a fierce storm?
Is the pain too much to bear?
Is your burden too heavy to carry?
do you feel rejected, disowned, let down?
Look up to Jesus ..He's right beside you friend..
Tell Him you love Him, Praise Him in the midst of your pain.
He knows your pain, He has suffered more pain than any of us have, faced rejection, so no one can help us, understand us better that Him.
May be you are in a situation that you are so... drained out physically, mentally that you can't even pray, just praise Him in the storm, surrender your all to Him.
Tell Him you can't handle it, He'll take over.
Rest in His arms and let the storm rage.
As long as your eyes are fixed on His face that's all that matters.

Daniel's 3 friends told the king that they would not bow to that idol even if the Lord didn't save them.
DANIEL 3:17,18
17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. 18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up."
Today even in the midst of the storm ...praise HIM...

Mathew 11: 28-30
Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
God bless you..
(Adapted from an article on the net by my friend Julie on Multiply)

